Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What I've Learned

I have learned quite a bit from this class. Since I had to take this course, I didn't think I would have any fun let alone actually learn something. Throughout the past eight weeks I've learned how to change my learning habits like not procrastinating on my homework and studying for tests. The biggest theme that I've learned from would have been just knowing how to achieve my goals in the best way possible. I really liked how to take in information by just listening and how better myself in the classroom.
The best strength as a learner i have would be my ability to retain information really well. Some activities come easily to me are, when we have to read a paragraph and then write a summary of it. That's really easy to me. I could help out a new student in the sense of what not to do. I can tell them that college can be easy just don't slack off. I would also tell them they need to make sure they read the material that is given to them because that will help them in that course later on when it comes to tests.
I know one of my main weaknesses in learning would be that I am the biggest procrastinator. I always wait to the last minute to do anything. I always get my homework done i just stress out about it more because it's usually due the next day. My study habits are okay. It's just that when I study I basically memorize the information. If we have a final i might remember some of the information but most of it's lost. During this course i have learned to study a more sufficient way. I wish I had a better schedule of when i need to get certain stuff done. Some of my peers have that and i wish i did to. The activity that takes up most of time would be just reading the material. It always takes way to long, so then i get bored with it and stop reading. I defiantly need to be able to read faster and still retain the information and i need to just be able to give myself enough time get my assignments done.
I can read a lot faster because of the activities that we did in class. I can retain information better than before. I know how to juggle my job and my school so I don't get over whelmed. The most that i realized was I needed to have better study skills for college because the ones I had then weren't up to par. The most important skill i have learned would have been retaining everything i have learned in the this classroom and then putting it to good use out in the real world. I didn't think this course would be of much importance to me but now I'm glad i had to take this course.
All of the assignments that we had to do were extremely relevant. The community service paragraph made me realize our community needs a lot of work. The entire course book helped me in the classroom as well as in life. I can multitask now which is something i couldn't do before. I really liked the test we took to what kind of person we were. That was a lot of fun. Also the video we watched about Samantha was very meaningful and heart felt. I really didn't think doing the rubric was anything special i know we have to do for class but I didn't learn anything from it.
I think most of everything was covered that we need to learn. My instructor did a great job. Maybe something that should be added is every so often have the computer lab open so we can work on our writing assignments. What should stay is reading the book because it helped me in a lot of ways by just bettering myself in general. I will take what i have learned in this class and use them later on in life. I think this course should go over what we read in class so everyone can retain the information a little better. My work was evaluated fine. I had no problems with it what so ever. Basically just teaching how you've been teaching because it has helped me out tremendously.
I would have liked to know a little bit more about this course before I had to take it. To flourish in this course isn't hard. To keep your sanity in this course would be just come to class, do the homework and discuss what you've learned in class. Just basically know what skills in the learning process that your good at and the ones your bad at. So, you can work on them and do better in your other classes.
I know from taking this course i will have a better life, because i know now how to separate the the different aspects of my life like school and work. I will not procrastinate anymore because it just gives me to many things to worry about. Going through this course has helped me with my peers and how to flourish in college life. I'm glad I took this course mainly because I know to interact better with my instructors. How to learn better in the class room is one of my best learned skills. We should defiantly keep this course because it will help out future college students just like it helped out me.

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